Archive of 2007 Material
Articles | Editorials | Letters to the Editor
The Recorder is a weekly newspaper published in Monterey, VA.
Anne E. Adams, Publisher and Editor
P O Box 10, Monterey, VA 24465
The Recorder launched an on-line service in April 2005.
Please visit TheRecorderOnline for all non-wind local news.
We will link directly to this site for any wind articles posted there.
The Recorder changed its on-line service in July 2007. All links have been updated to the new site.
The Recorder has provided continuing in-depth coverage of the wind-power issue in Highland County as it has developed for several years.
Listed below are all items that were published in 2007.
They are in reverse chronological order so the latest info is at the top. This is a complete list.
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- Articles published on or after 3 January 2008
- Wind project decision another step closer 15 November 2007, p. 6-7.
- SCC official recommends monitoring wind energy project for its lifespan 18 October 2007, p. 7, 9.
County prevails in wind case 20 September 2007, p. 1, 5-7. In addition to the Supreme Court decision, which was decided on legal technicalities rather than the merits of the case, this article includes information on HNWDs ability to pay for ongoing monitoring of wildlife impacts.
Last of arguments on wind energy plan submitted to SCC 13 September 2007, p.1, 5-7.
- Bracing for wind in Bath National forest land may get industry local officials cant control 26 July 2007, p. 1, 3.
- SCC hears more on wind project 19 July 2007, p. 3.
- Sidebar: Liberty Gap does not ask PSC to reconsider W.Va. wind proposal 19 July 2007, p. 3.
- Experts debate wind project, again 12 July 2007, p. 4-5.
- Wind energy, pool project stir debate on countys future You can take it or leave it, supervisor says 5 July 2007, p. 1, 5.
- Jack Mountain wind permit denied Liberty Gap likely to appeal 28 June 2007, p. 1, 4-5.
- Utility application lacking, state says 28 June 2007, p. 4-6.
- WWind project case heard by Virginia Supreme Court 14 June 2007, p. 1, 6-7.
- Sidebar: Wind project lawsuits: Where things stand 14 June 2007, p. 6.
- WV recommends denying wind permit 24 May 2007, p. 1, 3. PSC staff advises against the Liberty Gap project.
- Wind energy carries risk to environment, study finds 10 May 2007, p. 1, 4-6. Summary of the National Research Council report.
- Scientist says Virginia, SCC should consider wind energy report 10 May 2007, p. 5, 7.
- HNWD’s project: Where do things stand? 10 May 2007, p. 6.
- Wind energy report released 3 May 2007, p. 43.
- Highland officials defend legal defense 19 April 2007, p. 3, 5. Regarding the budget line item for defense of the wind lawsuits.
- Wind project set back 6 months SCC says it needs more information 12 April 2007, p. 1, 5.
- Highland New Wind objects to delay in proceedings 12 April 2007, p. 5.
- Legal arguments continue in wake of SCC examiners recommendation for wind energy project approval 12 April 2007, p. 6, 25-26.
- Sidebar: What happens next? 12 April 2007, p. 25.
- Eagle eyes wanted Raptors caught on camera; golden chase competition to be held here 12 April 2007, p. 1, 3-4. Not directly a wind story but the eagle survey was started in response to HNWD stating that their project would not impact eagles. Three photos and two sidebars are not included in this on-line version.
- [The Nature] Conservancy opposes delaying wind permit review 5 April 2007, p. 2, 5.
- Comprehensive plan ready to edit 5 April 2007, p. 5-6. The future of wind power in Highland will be touched on in the comp plan.
- Tornado tears swath on Allegheny Mtn. 5 April 2007, p. 43. Including Tamarack Ridge, site of proposed wind turbines.
- Citizens ask for hold on wind plan 15 March 2007, p. 1, 6.
- Turbines get initial OK by SCC Highland a step closer to having states 1st wind-generating electric utility 8 March 2007, p. 1, 4.
- GW national forest plan to explore wind energy 1 March 2007, p. 1, 12.
- Bath plans cautious on industrial wind energy 22 February 2007, p. 4, 7.
- Sidebar: House passes new version of wind-related legislation 22 February 2007, p. 7. SB 1351 is no longer a threat.
- Supreme Court to hear wind cases 15 February 2007, p. 1, 3. Included as page 2 of this link are the next two articles listed below.
- Sidebar: $200,000 in legal fees spent by county 15 February 2007, p. 3. See link above.
- Bill [SB 1351] could affect wind project 15 February 2007, p. 3. See link above.
- Will wind case wind up in Supreme Court? Feb. 14 panel to hear 10-minute arguments 1 February 2007, p. 1, 3.
- Bath planner urges need for ridgetop protection 25 January 2007, p. 1, 3.
- Wind utility can be approved on most permit criteria, SCC says
Environmental issues must still be resolved by agency 25 January 2007, p. 1, 4. Complete text of the SCC Staff memo to the Commissioners. [144 kB]
- HNWD ready to move ahead 25 January 2007, p. 4-5.
- Environmental effects real, Conservancy says 25 January 2007, p. 5-6.
- Highlanders say HNWD failed to prove its case State didnt get all the information it asked for 25 January 2007, p. 7-8.
- Highland officials consider holding wind projects 5 years 25 January 2007, p. 8-9. Moratorium proposed by planning chairman Jim Cobb.
- Revising land use plans: Group prepares for toughest chapter 25 January 2007, p. 8, 10. The land-use section of Highlands comprehensive plan is up for review on 20 February.
- Land use plan review hitting home stretch 4 January 2007, p. 3. Nothing specific about wind but the comprehensive plan is key to future wind projects in Highland.
- Planners prepare for wind energy, ridge debate 4 January 2007, p. 3. Planning Commission chair Jim Cobb said, Well address wind turbine problems and ridge line stuff [in February]. I think Ive pretty much got my own ideas as how we can nail that down thats going to satisfy everybody. Stay tuned.
- Archive of 2006 Articles
- Archive of 2005 Articles
- Archive of 2004 Articles
- Editorials published on or after 3 January 2008
- Getting the math right 18 October 2007, p. 21.
Power brokers issue false claims about power 20 September 2007, p. 19-20.
- Citizens have power of truth 5 July 2007, p. 17.
- Dont leave wiggle room for wind companies 28 June 2007, p. 19.
- No end in sight soon 14 June 2007, p. 19.
- Allegheny Highlands no place for experiments 17 May 2007, p. 19.
- One step forward, 2 steps back 12 April 2007, p. 19.
- Plans need a new plan 5 April 2007, p. 19. Regarding ongoing comp-plan reviews in Bath and Highland.
- Justice may yet prevail for citizens 8 March 2007, p. 19.
- Time to talk wind, again 1 March 2007, p. 19. The US Forest Service is now considering wind development.
- End run should be stopped 15 February 2007, p. 19. Regarding SB1351, which would legitimize the backwards planning process by which HNWD was approved.
- Arguments made simple by state law 25 January 2007, p. 19.
- Pictorial 25 January 2007, p. 19, regarding the proposed moratorium on wind development. [357 kB]
- Archive of 2006 Editorials
- Archive of 2005 Editorials
- Archive of 2004 Editorials
- Letters published on or after 3 January 2008
- Writer corrects numbers in letter to SCC on wind Orren L. Royal, Dublin, VA 22 November 2007, p. 20. Correction of the error noted in Dr. Royals letter, below.
- Wind energy driven by dollars, government John Droz Jr., Brantingham Lake, NY 1 November 2007, p. 20. This is an excellent letter summarizing the main problems with wind power.
- How much is an eagle worth? reader asks SCC Orren L. Royal, Dublin, VA 1 November 2007, p. 20-21. Dr. Royal presents some calculations on wildlife monitoring and mitigation costs. The calculation of revenue loss per day for shutting down the turbines is overly simplistic but, given that result, the number of days that the turbines can be idled for mitigation of wildlife mortality under the proposed SCC protocol is overstated by a factor of ten, due to the use of 0.085 times the previous years revenues rather than a factor of 0.0085 as given in the SCC report.
- Wind energy project isnt just about view shed Sandy Hevener, Blue Grass 4 October 2007, p. 20
- Highlander responds to Lynchburg editorial John Vinson Monterey 4 October 2007, p. 20
Wind energy company is ignoring the facts Orren L. Royal, Dublin, VA 27 September 2007, p. 20
Incumbent supervisors arent defending county Judy Skeen Monterey, VA 27 September 2007, p. 20
Highland: Virginias dumping ground? Pen Goodall, Monterey, VA 27 September 2007, p. 20
- Pull together to go green in the future Kevin McCune, Millboro 2 August 2007, p. 20
- Survey could have saved lawsuit costs Rich Holman, Monterey 2 August 2007, p. 20
- Wind company expert testimony ludicrous Orren L. Royal, Dublin, VA 26 July 2007, p. 20-21
- Liberty Gap wind may view county as target Robin Sullenberger, Supervisor, Mill Gap 12 July 2007, p. 20
- Resident optimistic after hearings on wind plant Eve Firor, Franklin, WV 10 May 2007, p. 22
- Democracy has been lost on Highland supervisors Brenda Tekin, Charlottesville, VA 3 May 2007, p. 20-21
- Reader agrees: Highland legal defense a waste Jim Brown, Warm Springs 12 April 2007, p. 20
- Why is Conservancy rushing on wind debate? Tempe Brown, Monterey 12 April 2007, p. 20
- 39 megawatts a paltry amount of electricity Orren L. Royal, Dublin, VA 12 April 2007, p. 20 [Wind resources at the HNWD site are class 4-5 but the output is still paltry.]
- Countys legal defense fees are an outright waste Larry Held, Monterey 5 April 2007, p. 20
- Highland wind power not worth the price George J. Bagot, Barnhart, MO 29 March 2007, p. 18
- Bath would be wise to know candidates position Orren L. Royal, Dublin, VA 22 March 2007, p. 18
- Reader takes issue with letter from ERT G. K. McClung, Hightown 22 March 2007, p. 18 [see Hathaway letter, below]
- Promote truth, dont wallow in hypocrisy Alden Hathaway, Washington, DC 15 March 2007, p. 20
- N.Y. Times wind project article misses the mark Sandy Hevener, Blue Grass 22 February 2007, p. 20
- Blue Grass landowner pleads with SCC on wind Orren L.Royal, Dublin, VA 18 January 2007, p. 16.
- Archive of 2006 Letters
- Archive of 2005 Letters
- Archive of 2004 Letters
John R. Sweet, Mustoe, VA

Part of the Backbone Mountain project in Tucker County, WV. These are reported to be 345 feet high while those proposed for Highland are expected to be 400 feet high. Photo by Sandy Hevener
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